CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

dual keyboards

Posted by bfp
on 2000-10-06 23:03:07 UTC
there are Y-adapters that will multiplex two keyboards to one PC
a google search for "dual keyboards" turned up several so I just picked one
at random as an example link

the IBM keyboard uses a clock line in its comunication with the PC so
it gets a little more complex than just wiring them in parallel

a friend was using one of these for a while ,he liked a split keyboard
and his better half was used to a standard one
if they both started typing the text would be all mixed together (she
usually won)


> Is it possible to hook up 2 keyboards to a computer just by wiring them
> in parallel, or does anyone have a circuit to do this? I really don't
> want to
> switch between the two.
> Bill

Discussion Thread

bfp 2000-10-06 23:03:07 UTC dual keyboards Rick Dulas 2000-10-07 08:49:11 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] dual keyboards William Scalione 2000-10-07 11:46:04 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] dual keyboards