CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Anodizing Engravings

Posted by Matt Shaver
on 2000-10-06 23:28:56 UTC
> From: William Scalione <scalione@...>

> A while back I asked a question about painting engraved letters in
> anodized aluminum. Got a lot of feedback and performed a little test.

I was thinking of trying this:

1. Black anodize blank panel.
2. Engrave
3. Anodize again in Red or Blue.
4. Red or Blue letters on a Black background? Maybe...

> Is it possible to hook up 2 keyboards to a computer just by wiring them
> in parallel, or does anyone have a circuit to do this? I really don't
> want to
> switch between the two.

Well, there's this ($50):

You might get away with just paralleling them since both the CLK and DATA
lines are open collector and you don't need arbitration since you'll only be
using one at a time.


Discussion Thread

William Scalione 2000-10-06 22:18:30 UTC Anodizing Engravings Matt Shaver 2000-10-06 23:28:56 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Anodizing Engravings Tom Caudle 2000-10-07 07:01:13 UTC Re: Anodizing Engravings carbuilder 2000-10-07 07:26:01 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Anodizing Engravings