Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Anodizing Engravings
Posted by
Matt Shaver
on 2000-10-06 23:28:56 UTC
> From: William Scalione <scalione@...>I was thinking of trying this:
> A while back I asked a question about painting engraved letters in
> anodized aluminum. Got a lot of feedback and performed a little test.
1. Black anodize blank panel.
2. Engrave
3. Anodize again in Red or Blue.
4. Red or Blue letters on a Black background? Maybe...
> Is it possible to hook up 2 keyboards to a computer just by wiring themWell, there's this ($50):
> in parallel, or does anyone have a circuit to do this? I really don't
> want to
> switch between the two.
You might get away with just paralleling them since both the CLK and DATA
lines are open collector and you don't need arbitration since you'll only be
using one at a time.
Discussion Thread
William Scalione
2000-10-06 22:18:30 UTC
Anodizing Engravings
Matt Shaver
2000-10-06 23:28:56 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Anodizing Engravings
Tom Caudle
2000-10-07 07:01:13 UTC
Re: Anodizing Engravings
2000-10-07 07:26:01 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Anodizing Engravings