CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Playing with my toys in peace

Posted by machines@n...
on 2000-10-07 04:58:15 UTC
--- In, ptengin@a... wrote:
> In a message dated 10/06/2000 11:05:52 PM Hawaiian Standard Time,
> machines@n... writes:
> << Why don't they all go away and let me play with my toys.
> I even tell them this to their face but they just laugh and still
> back. I've tried swearing, taking the piss, asking if it's a
toupee etc but
> no good - what's the answer ??
> --
> Regards,
> John Stevenson
> Nottingham, England
> >>
> John,
> Got a sure fire way to make 'em stop. Screw up an expensive part
and give
> it back to them. It has worked well (inadvertently) in the
past.... :0
Thanks Peter
Actually reading your post just reminded me of something in the past.
Whilst sorting through a pile of odds and ends in a junk yard I came
across two lenses out of an OHP. These were about 1.5" diameter and
were perfect hemispheres. I took them home and got an old pair of
plastic framed spectacles. Took the lenses out and with a hot air
gun 'made' the new lenses fit.
Went out shopping with my then 15 year old very fashion consious
daughter. Whilst going through the shopping precint looking in every
dress shop there was, I put these glasses on, staggered into the next
shop which happened to be a shoe shop, fell all over the counter and
asked for 2 pounds of sausages.
What a hoot, On the way out I tripped and knocked a whole rack of
shoes over. My daughter never asked me to go shopping again.
Unfortunalty whilst messing about one day I fell and broke them.

I can just imagine it with a new pair. "Just let me get my reading
glasses and I'll take a look at your drawing .............."

John Stevenson
Nottingham, England

Discussion Thread

ptengin@a... 2000-10-07 03:05:18 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Playing with my toys in peace machines@n... 2000-10-07 04:58:15 UTC Re: Playing with my toys in peace Tom Caudle 2000-10-07 08:59:49 UTC Re: Playing with my toys in peace