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Re:- Big SeriesII stepper info and advice needed...

on 2000-10-08 13:46:09 UTC
I have two large machines now, both with large steppers on them. From an
old book with one machine I have determined that these are Type 42 Superior
Electric Model M112's with a max torque of 1100 oz/in.
Did a web search and came up with the following.
The table isn't very clear but it can be read.
From this I have determined that mine are M112-FJ

I hope this information is of interest to Mariss.
On both of my machines the driver feeds the motor with 100v DC until the
amperage reaches 11 Amps and then a current sensing circuit switches off
the 100v and the pulse period is completed with 12vDC being injected into
the motor winding.
Or so the book says.

>I'm working on drive controllers for this stepper and have found
>little information so far on spec for these beasts.
>I'm sure there are lots of people out there who have similar original
>steppers on their mills, so this is an oppurtunity for us kickoff
>a definitive thread on the subject. Also this could aid designers
>like Mariss in fact finding for his higher voltage Gecco drive
>Please jump in and add any information of suggestions (like diagrams
>or photo angles, etc that will help descibe the utilization of these
>I'm new to stacked steppers, but I think this is a typical 8wire
>universal type stepper; so it can be wired in many ways. Currently
>I think it is wired as a 6wire unipolar type with centertap going to
>V+(motor). My guess is V+(motor) is 90-180vdc.?.

John Stevenson
Nottingham, England

Discussion Thread

John Stevenson 2000-10-08 13:46:09 UTC Re:- Big SeriesII stepper info and advice needed...