CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: timer circuits

Posted by Jon Anderson
on 1999-07-01 17:27:52 UTC
Tim Goldstein wrote:

> It is my understanding that the FlashCut system does exactly
> this by putting a signal generator in an external box that
> attaches to the serial port.

This is correct, and it was done as much to make it difficult
(impossible?) to pass along copies of the software as for any technical


Discussion Thread

TADGUNINC@x... 1999-07-01 08:30:31 UTC Re: timer circuits Tim Goldstein 1999-07-01 16:58:42 UTC Re: timer circuits Jon Anderson 1999-07-01 17:27:52 UTC Re: timer circuits Dan Mauch 1999-07-01 20:12:02 UTC Re: timer circuits Jon Anderson 1999-07-01 22:41:14 UTC Re: timer circuits Dan Mauch 1999-07-02 06:11:23 UTC Re: timer circuits Jon Anderson 1999-07-02 06:36:45 UTC Re: timer circuits