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Re: 24 volt power supply

Posted by beer@s...
on 2000-10-17 15:18:49 UTC
On 17 Oct, wrote:

> Does anyone have any good ideas where I can get a 24 volt power
> supply capable of at least 10 amps?
> Can I series connect two 12 volt switchers to get the 24 volts I am
> looking for?
> John Guenther

You can, but there is a chance of interaction between the two supplies,
resulting in undesireable consequences.
A pair of linear supplies are less likely to interact "poorly". If you
don't require a precisely regulated 24 volts, there are numerous 12 volt
supplies available for powering car stereos and the like - a pair of
those should work fine.

Failing that, Jameco often has unusual surplus supplies ( switching and
linear ) at very good prices. You may be able to get just what you



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Discussion Thread

beer@s... 2000-10-17 15:18:49 UTC Re: 24 volt power supply