Re: Just watching for now....
Posted by
Tim Goldstein
on 1999-07-04 14:17:16 UTC
For a 3-D (great at 2-D also) program I would suggest you check out Vector.
It is available from Fred Smith at IMService. I am quite happy with the
program and very satisfied with Fred's support. From my understanding, a
major point in Vector's favor for you is that it natively supports Shopbots
code dialect.
Get on with building the Camtronics board. It is a nice product and a number
of us on this list are using Dan's stepper boards. I don't quite follow what
you plan on using the 130 in/oz steppers for. If it is for the mill and
lathe conversion they may be a little weak except for some of the desktop
machines like Sherline or Taig.
[Denver, CO]
For a 3-D (great at 2-D also) program I would suggest you check out Vector.
It is available from Fred Smith at IMService. I am quite happy with the
program and very satisfied with Fred's support. From my understanding, a
major point in Vector's favor for you is that it natively supports Shopbots
code dialect.
Get on with building the Camtronics board. It is a nice product and a number
of us on this list are using Dan's stepper boards. I don't quite follow what
you plan on using the 130 in/oz steppers for. If it is for the mill and
lathe conversion they may be a little weak except for some of the desktop
machines like Sherline or Taig.
[Denver, CO]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rgbrown@...
> Greetings, I thought I should be letting you good folks know a
> little about what I do. My primary interest is the use of CNC
> controls for automating repetitive operations and making parts.
> I am in the process of building the forms for a wooden hulled
> runabout. I will use this CNC equipment to cut the parts and
> pieces. I built a ShopBot last year. I have a 50" x 218"
> cutting area. As mine is a cable drive unit, I will be
> converting to gear drive soon. On thing I am considering is
> using Gates belting in lieu of the gear rack. I also plan on
> converting a mill and a lathe to CNC. I have a Dan Mauch bipolar
> board but it is not assembled. I have a few 130 oz/in 34 size
> steppers and may build around them. I am now looking at several
> design programs for boats. I have looked at NeWave sys. and am
> thinking about Rhino. Rhino would be more versatile, I think.
> The learning curve on any new software is challenging. I use
> VisualCADD for 2D layout and will probably stay with it. I may
> buy the new Turbo CAD v6 and try to learn 3D or might try Rhino.
> Any suggestions? Well, I'll have more comments after I finish
> reading the archives, I'm in the middle of May now - and confused. Ron
Discussion Thread
1999-07-04 13:27:58 UTC
Just watching for now....
Tim Goldstein
1999-07-04 14:17:16 UTC
Re: Just watching for now....