Re: John's simple mill
Posted by
Ken Jenkins
on 2000-10-20 08:52:08 UTC
> ron> No one says the whole world has to give away all their effort to GPL.Sheeeeeesh! $20.00 for all the work this guy did in making up the plans
> ron> John has written a booklet some may find usefull. If you dont think its
> ron> usefull, dont buy one, but dont knock someone else for taking the time
> ron> to write a booklet then trying to sell it.
> ron>
> ron> This list has not been into attacking someone for their work since that
> ron> Hoyt guy left. Lets dont start it now.
> ron>
> ron> ron
is nothing! Any of you ever sit down to try to document what you've done
in CAD drawings so someone else can read them and make sense of them?!!
Give me a break.
Discussion Thread
Ken Jenkins
2000-10-20 08:52:08 UTC
Re: John's simple mill
marble here
2000-10-23 19:05:31 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: John's simple mill