CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re:PC Based CNC Controller

Posted by Roger Brower
on 1999-07-11 00:29:17 UTC
To: Rick Lashley
I'm just trouble shooting my first setup (CNC Crafter (14x19 w/ 70V
stepper driver) with pulse signal interference in the grounds at high
freq., I think. I'll separate the motor wiring and add shielding. I
wish I had an oscilloscope!) and selecting the Controller that will give
the best results with my Gcode. Limited success so far. Here's what I
think I know:

If you need driver hardware, Camtronics puts out a popular 3 axis 5 amp
chopper driver kit for $225. Add a 36vdc power supply and you can run a
gantry router or bridgeport conversion, etc. Or use some Compumotor
stuff off Ebay. Also see Servo-to-Go boards ~$800 ea, Servo-lite kits
for $225 or so. San Diego Motion (Chris Whiteside) sold me some linear
bearing stuff, and large steppers for my larger gantry table. DataCut
sells plans for a nice -and large- gantry engraver; speced and
engineered, with good photos on their site. Tool tech has basic tables,
incl leasing. Larken, Camtech, Multicam, etc are turnkey systems. I
myself am looking for 4' and 6' ball or lead screws.

I presume you have visited CADCAMEDMDRO on OneList. It is a CNC
discussion thread, with archives and subscription. Mostly
non-professional focus, guys with time to tinker and chat- more intimate
and flowing than alt.machines.cnc. Lots of lurkers, apparently!
Kevin Carrol's Stepster program, in the public domain now, is being
updated and discussed there. And there is a significant thread on
real-time Linux and EMC, a Gov't developed machine controller that will
give excellent results if you are willing to wade through the
installation, kernal replacement, and linux-not-windows-or-dos type
interface. Free, but not for the faint of heart.

Cncpro by Yeager automation @ $99 is a new, supported program that is
fast and configureable. It uses DOS to avoid Win delays and the second
motherboard timer for timing. Includes constant velocity contouring and
expanded Gcode support, and they are going to add incremental arc
options per my request. It's my recomendation as a prime choice @ . Yeager also sells 3axis5amp

Flashcut has a nice backplotter feature with a windows interface- sells
for $2000+ so I havent tried it, but it looks good, and is reccomended
by DataCut. Uses a proprietary outboard timer.

DeskNC is $60 for DOS and Win versions, including backplotters. Poor
choice of jog keys. Hasn't worked for me, perhaps because of
incompatable pinouts.

Ahha's controller is also popular, but dated. It looks clunky, but ask

Buchannon's CNC Controller ($895?) is said to be good, but I couldn't
get the demo going. Nuf said?

Solustan's Maxmotion came with my machine, but won't lift the Z axis for
some reason (?) It doesn't yet support Gcode, so I haven't pursued it.
Gave a good fast motion though.

Was the Actrion system something you took off someone's machine? Can you
find me some long ball screws in someone's surplus? What is this next
project type thing? And yes, Camsoft may be great- please tell me if it
is. Do you know Martin Mikoula? He brokers the Camtech routers, and
trade-in machines- he would know. Let me know if you need specific
links. I'm not organised enough to include them now. Good luck- Roger

Discussion Thread

Roger Brower 1999-07-11 00:29:17 UTC Re:PC Based CNC Controller