CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] more Re: mill threading

Posted by diazden
on 2000-11-15 06:19:44 UTC
ballendo and the gang;
one of the easiest and best ways of making threads is by way of thread milling let it
be inside or outside diameters just try to screw cut a lead screw 2 ft long 3 start 2tpi
on the lathe, on the mill is a piece of cake.

ballendo@... wrote:

> Alan,
> Just after I hit "send" I realised you could also set this up to cut
> one flank of the thread at a time. Just "return" the x axis a little
> less (conventional milling) or a little more (climb milling)than the
> threaded length each pass. One way to do this would be to use a G91
> (incremental) X.010 (plus or minus) at the beginning of each "angled
> line". This would cause the cutter to cut more with one side than the
> other.
> Hope this makes sense.
> Ballendo
> P.S. The .010 is just an example. the REAL number would relate to
> thread angle and depth of cut taken each pass.
> P.S.S. Realise if you do this that the finished threads' position
> will "shift" since you are not going straight in. Take this into
> account.
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Discussion Thread

Alan Marconett KM6VV 2000-11-15 03:42:27 UTC Re: more Re: mill threading diazden 2000-11-15 06:19:44 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] more Re: mill threading ballendo@y... 2000-11-15 17:04:39 UTC Re: more Re: mill threading