CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Need Vernier Dials for Bridgeport

Posted by Wally K
on 2000-11-24 06:20:42 UTC
WOW, Tony that is an incredible web site. The amount of work and
time you must have put in this site is amazing. Thanks for sharing
this information with us.

I will have to go back and look at this site more later. Did you
talk about the software used to do the 4 axis threading.

Wally K.

--- In, Tony Jeffree <tony@j...> wrote:
> At 08:14 24/11/00 +0000, you wrote:
> >You can do nice engraving by getting a photoresist kit
> >from an electronics supplier. Make your dial in autocad
> >or whatever and then follow the directions to "engrave" it.
> Why not engrave the dial under CNC control? See:
> I engraved this using my Taig CNC mill, with home-built 4th axis
> for details). Since
then I
> have used the same technique for another project to produce a dial
with a
> Vernier scale - all pretty trivial to do with a 4-axis CNC setup.
> Regards,
> Tony

Discussion Thread

Joe Vicars 2000-11-23 07:53:38 UTC Re: Need Vernier Dials for Bridgeport Wally K 2000-11-23 09:28:49 UTC Re: Need Vernier Dials for Bridgeport Anne Ogborn 2000-11-23 20:23:28 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Need Vernier Dials for Bridgeport Smoke 2000-11-23 23:19:25 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Need Vernier Dials for Bridgeport Tony Jeffree 2000-11-24 00:29:19 UTC Re: Re: Need Vernier Dials for Bridgeport Wally K 2000-11-24 06:20:42 UTC Re: Need Vernier Dials for Bridgeport Tony Jeffree 2000-11-24 17:29:05 UTC Re: Need Vernier Dials for Bridgeport Jerry Kimberlin 2000-11-24 17:33:53 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Need Vernier Dials for Bridgeport