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re:ha ha ha BASIC! was Re: Re: New CNC software rev finally done...

Posted by ballendo@y...
on 2000-11-25 14:06:36 UTC
Jon wrote:
>Well, I'm still stuck in the Pascal camp, myself. I've written
>a couple of rather large packages in Turbo Pascal<s>I could have
>NEVER gotten this working in plain C or (ha ha ha Basic!)


Hate to see this BASIC bashing...

Unless what you're saying is that you don't have the skill to
implement the BASIC language for your programs to the degree that you
have with pascal.

If you feel limited by the version(s) of BASIC you've tried (as I
assume you have tried), then take a look at:

I'll bet you can find all the tools you need here to create nearly
ANY program! Quickly, professionally, inexpensively, and with small,
fast executables...

Hope this helps.


P.S. There's really no reason to belittle one language or another.
They all have their strengths and weaknesses. And like our software
based CNC controllers, they are a "moving target"! Personally, I find
the C and C++ language syntactically obtuse, and avoid it whenever I
can. But for some things, it's the proper tool... As is BASIC.

Discussion Thread

ballendo@y... 2000-11-25 14:06:36 UTC re:ha ha ha BASIC! was Re: Re: New CNC software rev finally done...