re:Re: CNC software
Posted by
Fred Smith
on 2000-11-25 17:51:00 UTC
> Lcam by Larken Automation is an "integrated" package where you canIn the past I have not kept Larken within my list of viable
> indeed "draw the part and then punch "some" buttons to cut it".
> Without leaving the program. VERY good lookahead as well.
Controller packages as they did not seem to make it a practice to
sell controllers, but rather concentrated almost solely on their
router business, as well as being unfriendly to anyone who appeared
to have products that might better support some of their customer's
software needs. In short they have an "attitude". I checked their
web site after you mentioned them & concur that they have a
controller package that will do limited drawing, as I mentioned in my
post. They do NOT offer a product development AND controller
combination. The Lcam allows simple construction of 2D geometry and
some cutting of that geometry. It is not clear if it has any 3D
capabilities. The price is not competitive in the $400 to $995
range, however they are not clear if it is in Canadian or US
dollars. If Canadian, the prices are competitive.
If it can save the 2D geometry in a DXF file, it would be an
excellent companion for Vcarvz for 3D layout carving and lettering
with V tip cutters.
Larken is at
PS. Do they support G41/G42 cutter comp?
Best Regards,
Fred Smith
IMService We are THE source for low cost Cad-Cam.
Discussion Thread
2000-11-24 15:28:31 UTC
CNC software
Marcus & Eva
2000-11-24 22:26:44 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] CNC software
Fred Smith
2000-11-25 05:58:54 UTC
Re: CNC software
Wally K
2000-11-25 06:35:19 UTC
Re: CNC software
2000-11-25 14:19:07 UTC
re:Re: CNC software
Fred Smith
2000-11-25 17:33:33 UTC
Re: CNC software
Fred Smith
2000-11-25 17:51:00 UTC
re:Re: CNC software