CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] P&W Tape'O'Matic's

on 2000-11-29 18:12:43 UTC
"Heuver, Brad (B.R.)" wrote:

> Bob, I've got a similar beast in my shop. Its a 1972 P&W Tape'O'Matic, but
> is is the Triax, 3 axis servo machne, with a 5hp head, also brain dead. I
> plan to keep the servo motors, and use new amps, interface board, and EMC.
> It's not project #1 yet, but getting closer to the top. I'll be looking
> forward to updates on your progress. Are your steppers mounted below the
> ballscrews, with 1:1 belts?

Yes, this is where they are now, but the original setup was 350 in. oz. steppers direct coupled to shaft and AC motors being used
like servos, timing belt drive

> Is the ball screw encoder on the opposite end
> of the shaft, like mine?


> Lastly, I've got a NMTB #40 taper spindle, and there is only a cam lock
> spindle nut to hold the tools in. There is no provision for a drawbar. Is
> yours the same?

I have Universal Quick Change 300 spindle, the tool holders are held in with a spanner nut at the bottom of the spindle nose, no
draw bar.

> To the group, is this common, not having a drawbar on the
> tool holder?
> Brad

Discussion Thread

Heuver, Brad (B.R.) 2000-11-29 11:53:51 UTC P&W Tape'O'Matic's Robert Allen & Marsha Camp 2000-11-29 18:12:43 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] P&W Tape'O'Matic's