CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Putting the DRO back into the list

on 2000-12-16 18:44:35 UTC
Ok Folks,
I will announce that I have (with the Blessing of Steve Lindsay) updated
the DRO40/40a programs! This was done out of a desire by myself to have the
ability to use the same computer with both my Mill/Drill and Lathe. In
order to be able to use Steve's fine program, I had to take his DRO40.cpp
file and "massage" it slightly to be able to act as either 40 or the a
version. Then, I added some coding to be able to make or load different
configuration files. Because of this, I am re-releasing it as version 4.1
and you will find the entire package on my web site:

I have kept all of Steve's original support files and of course have
updated the help file to show the new commands.

This is my first endeavor in the world of C++ so if you look at the cpp and
say (Dad Burn, I could have done it better:-}) then go ahead and do it!
As with Steve's request, I only ask that you keep both of us informed so we
may benefit from your hard work. If after your review, you have any
questions, PLEASE let me know as this is the only way we can all learn.

Now that the software is working, I hope to find time (between work,
holidays, and a cold shop) to get the hardware done for my lathe and at
that time, there will be additional pictures and information on my web site.

Look forward to working with many of you as we have in the past to have an
inexpensive decent DRO for our machines.

Happy Holidays


Country Bubba

(Actually the inventor of Country and Bubba)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Discussion Thread

A. G. Eckstein 2000-12-16 18:44:35 UTC Putting the DRO back into the list Dan Mauch 2000-12-17 07:07:24 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Putting the DRO back into the list A. G. Eckstein 2000-12-17 07:37:34 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Putting the DRO back into the list