Master5 CNC 4 Windows.
Posted by
Art Fenerty
on 2001-01-13 15:02:37 UTC
Master5 has been released for a day and 1/2 and almost 150 people have download it. A few people have had a problem getting it to work becuase they didn't run control.exe first. A new version has just been posted which fixes this problem as well as a help file error.
Thanks for the comments, and sorry for the problems.
I also forgot to mention anywhere that the arrow keys on the keyboard are used for jogging with Page up/Page down for the Z-axis and Home/End for the A-Axis.
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Master5 has been released for a day and 1/2 and almost 150 people have download it. A few people have had a problem getting it to work becuase they didn't run control.exe first. A new version has just been posted which fixes this problem as well as a help file error.
Thanks for the comments, and sorry for the problems.
I also forgot to mention anywhere that the arrow keys on the keyboard are used for jogging with Page up/Page down for the Z-axis and Home/End for the A-Axis.
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Discussion Thread
Art Fenerty
2001-01-13 15:02:37 UTC
Master5 CNC 4 Windows.
Art Fenerty
2001-01-21 10:03:25 UTC
Master5 CNC 4 Windows.