CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Resolvers - was unlurking

Posted by Ray Henry
on 1999-08-07 08:25:15 UTC
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 23:52:40 +0000
From: mllmdupr@...


The STG board can not use resolver signals. A resolver board has to
generate a sine wave signal and send it out to the resolver on one pair of
the six wires. The resolver
creates and returns two sine wave signals (one each wire pair) that are
related to the first signal and include the sine and cosine of the angle of
the resolver shaft.

I've got resolvers on the Hardinge chucker that I'm converting. The
easiest thing I've found is to replace the resolver with pulse coders.


>i have a 1983 vintage supermax with a bandit 2 control that was
>functional until damaged by a roof leak. this machine uses resolvers
>instead of encoders which have a higher resolution than EMC as
>well as the servo to go card ever been utilized with resolvers?

Ray Henry <rehenry@...>
From Michigan's Upper Peninsula

Discussion Thread

Ray Henry 1999-08-07 08:25:15 UTC Resolvers - was unlurking