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Re: ARC's, IKJ & R in Vector CAD/CAM, Art's program

on 2001-02-21 20:30:01 UTC
Thanks Fred,

I have generated 3D arcs in the other two planes, AFTER I figured how to
get into the proper plane in Vector. And drawing arcs (IJK) has been
instructional in learning more about Gcode. I'll take a look under NC,
and try an 'R'.

Yeah, it probably wouldn't hurt to cut two complete circles, in opposite
directions, but I imagine doing G02 AND G03 back to back for LESS then a
full circle would cause problems! Probably fail because of the wrong
radius? Is there a practical limit or ratio of radius length to
start/end to determine a radius error?

Best Regards,

Alan KM6VV

IMService wrote:
> >Message: 21
> > Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 12:11:18 -0800
> > From: Alan Marconett KM6VV <KM6VV@...>
> >Subject: Re: G02 / G02 I and J arguments
> >
> >How many variations of I,J style G02/G03 ARC's do you support? I'd only
> >seen Vector CAD/CAM generate the one type, because I just use the ISO
> >001 output. Is there another output to select to see other variations?
> >Just curious. the 'R' style ARC's are also something I wanted to
> >investigate.
> Vector can output absolute or incremental arc centers, as well as incremental arcs ends and centers. It will use ijk or R. Unlike most low cost Cad-Cam systems it support 3D arcs in the G18 & G19 planes. Under the NC object, Options-Driver, there are Radio buttons to change most of these settings, including using R.
> >
> >I've heard that G12/G13 (?) are used for Helical Arc's. I would also
> >like to generate one in Vector CAD/CAM, and see if my MaxNC -PRO will
> >cut it (Gotta find/make a thread mill too)!
> >
> You could do this, but would have to set up a Vector contour that had an Ask-For to enter the depth. A G12 is the same format as a G02, with the addition of Z value. Some systems use the G02 for planar circular interpolation as well as helical. In some systems a G12 is an arc with an automatic approach and depart, from the center of the circle.
> >I didn't ketch who was using a G02 AND a G03 to draw a FULL circle.
> >Sounds like cutting that way would cause problems! Shouldn't it just be
> >a series of arcs in the SAME direction?
> If you use IJK arcs, any time the end point equals the start point, a full circle is generated(interpolated ;-).
> G17
> G01 X1.0 Y0.0 Z0.0
> G02 X1.0 Y0.0 I-1.0 J0.0
> Using a G02 & G03 will not make a single, full circle, but could cut a circle twice, once in each direction.
> Best Regards, Fred Smith- IMService We are THE source for low cost Cad-Cam
> Listserve Special discounts and offers are at:
> imserv@... Voice:248-486-3600 or 800-386-1670 Fax: 248-486-3698

Discussion Thread

Alan Marconett KM6VV 2001-02-21 20:30:01 UTC Re: ARC's, IKJ & R in Vector CAD/CAM, Art's program imserv@v... 2001-02-22 06:30:30 UTC Re: ARC's, IKJ & R in Vector CAD/CAM, Art's program Alan Marconett KM6VV 2001-02-22 11:45:44 UTC Re: ARC's, IKJ & R in Vector CAD/CAM, Art's program