CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by Mo
on 1999-08-08 04:40:05 UTC
I have wanted to say this for some time and Matt's message has inspired me
to say it:
I have been amazed by Tim Goldstein's meteoric rise from being the guy with
so many questions about Linux /EMC in the early days of this list - so many
questions answered ably by the Gurus, Fred, Matt, Jon E et al - Tim built on
all he learnt and in short time became the tireless voice of help saving
others many hours of trouble - and sparing the Gurus much support time. I
have been fortunate enough to experience his abundant assistance - what
makes it all the more commendable is the speed with which Tim went from one
side of the support camp to the other!
Though many on this list give freely of their time in supporting others, I
just felt the need to single out Tim for a very special thanks you.

> From: "Matt Shaver" <mshaver@...>

> First I want to thank Tim for taking up a lot of the slack in the Linux
> advise department.

Discussion Thread

Mo 1999-08-08 04:40:05 UTC Re: