CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Parabolic cookers & Vector 9

Posted by Smoke
on 2001-03-09 14:57:38 UTC
All you really need is a CAD program Rhino... that will generate a
surface based on a line.

Draw the parabola, "sweep a srface as long as you need. Save this as a .dxf
(or whatever you use) for generating the gcode program. Mill the part from
aluminum and your all set.


>We recently participated in a short discussion about parabolic solar
cookers on another forum. I thought I would share a web page with a few
notes about how we attacked the project in Vector. It was pointed out that the round design
was a good way to heat the ends of a Hot Dog, but that a long trough might
be a better design. ;-) There is a downloadable excel spreadsheet that
generates a parabola spline which can be pasted into Vector to develop the
design for variable focal lengths. Additional comments about the approach &
concept are appreciated.
>Also we posted a few pictures of some wooden parts cut with Vector 9.0 Click the Vector 9 link. Swept contour raised
letters and a complex swept curve pocket.
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Discussion Thread

IMService 2001-03-09 12:21:34 UTC Parabolic cookers & Vector 9 Smoke 2001-03-09 14:57:38 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Parabolic cookers & Vector 9 Sven Peter, TAD S.A. 2001-03-10 05:36:23 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Parabolic cookers & Vector 9