CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by Don Hughes
on 1999-08-10 14:15:03 UTC

I took a look at when my vacation was and PRIME is right smack dab in
the middle, so my wife and I will be heading off to PRIME from
Vancouver, BC and come in for two days stay. More than likely I will be
there for Saturday and some of Sunday, and then drive back for
Vancouver. Let me know where you will be and what exhibits you might
have, or whose you will be at, and I will see you there.

Don Hughes
Vancouver, BC Canada

> A reminder to all that the Prime show is rapidly approaching, If you are
> interested, here is the link and URL for more information.
> <A HREF="">PRIME Exhibition Home:
> Pacific Rim International Model Engineering Society</A>
> If anyone on the list is going, maybe we can all set up a meeting time, for
> an eyeball contact, I for one think it would be great to put a face with a
> name.

Discussion Thread

WAnliker@x... 1999-08-08 21:20:55 UTC PRIME SHOW, EUGENE, OREGON Don Hughes 1999-08-10 14:15:03 UTC Re: PRIME SHOW, EUGENE, OREGON