CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Servo Rotating Problem

Posted by Imran Jawaid
on 2001-03-10 23:29:26 UTC
I tried to increase the Following error but didn't work so i swap the
which are going into the DAC's input.
With Min_Following_error= .050" I passed the jump (voila)

But the motor starts to shake voilently & heats up too much.
tried to jog but can't see cuz the encoder count was moving too fast
(back and forth)

so i swaped the encoder also(as told by jon on previous post) but
same thing happened. so I stopped it before i cook my servo motor.

BTW i've thermal relay between my amlifier & motor. But i'm not using
it (i.e. not giving it operating voltage but they are connected) ..
does it have anything to do with it.


Discussion Thread

Imran Jawaid 2001-02-27 02:12:59 UTC Servo Rotating Problem Jon Elson 2001-02-27 22:35:36 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Servo Rotating Problem Imran Jawaid 2001-03-10 23:29:26 UTC Re: Servo Rotating Problem Jon Elson 2001-03-11 21:38:45 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Servo Rotating Problem