CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

RE: Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table?

Posted by Neil Gillies
on 2001-03-11 00:23:07 UTC

I can suggest an alternative option for routing PCB's - using a Macintosh
for the clean intelligent stuff, and an old 386 black box to do all the
dirty work :-)

Use Osmond for the PCB design (excellent shareware PCB design package) - you
can use Designworks to design the schematic initially and import to Osmond
to draw the PCB. Osmond can export to sCAM (my own Mac CAM program -
currently freeware) - it will offset the toolpaths automatically in the
process by whatever diameter router you set in the preferences. sCAM can
then sort the toolpaths for order/direction (reduces cut times ENORMOUSLY
!!!). If you wish, sCAM can then output in sorted HPGL (amazingly - not a
GCode in sight either :-) This file can then be dumped to your favourite
stepper prog via ethernet/serial/floppy.

Regarding the Dremel tool - if that's all you can get, then use it - I've
used them in a couple of small educational machines with little problem. The
main issue is that the front bearing is none too smart - tends to let the
drill/cutter "flail" about when using small sizes. Use it at 30,000 RPM of
course. Better and cheaper option is a small air engraving tool which can
operate at about 100,000 RPM from a standard small compressed air generator
(these are not much more expensive than a Dremel BTW) - buy a pair of ear
defenders, they howl like a banshee :-) I generally use either a 0.8 or
0.5mm cutter to cut the tracks. Bear in mind, that this method of routing
only defines the track outlines using the cutter - leaves the tracks in a
"sea" of copper - saves an AWFULL lot of time, and no chemicals.




Neil D. Gillies Tel: +44 (0)1383-823489
SeaGull Technologies Fax: +44 (0)870-0543622
11 River View Mobile: +44 (0)771-4330793
Dalgety Bay, Fife neil@...
Scotland KY11 9YE

Discussion Thread

The AntiYuppie 2001-03-09 20:24:58 UTC Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Tim Goldstein 2001-03-09 21:45:44 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Jon Elson 2001-03-09 21:55:22 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? kleinbauer@j... 2001-03-10 19:00:28 UTC Re: Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Neil Gillies 2001-03-11 00:23:07 UTC RE: Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Tom Eldredge 2001-03-11 09:07:56 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RE: Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Greg Hensley 2001-03-14 16:17:24 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Henry Palonen 2001-03-15 05:05:00 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Alan Marconett KM6VV 2001-03-15 10:52:37 UTC Re: Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? timg@k... 2001-03-26 14:30:27 UTC Re: Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table?