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EMC-STG2 problems

Posted by L B Jareteg
on 2001-03-22 14:58:20 UTC
I have just finished an installation on a 3-axis miling machine with an 8-axis stg mod.2 card. The computer is a P166 32m with Red hat 5.2 kernel 2.0.36. I use DC brush motors with tachometers and AMC amplifiers.

I started a couple of mounts ago with EMC-jan-31-2000, this worked pretty good but I couldn't mill full circles and it was impossible to program different MAX_VELOCITY for different axis. I changed to EMC-1.1-17, which I am currently using, with several problems.

I can't home the axis, it looks like the index pulse from the encoder is hard to detect. I am using the file named stg8mod.o. I suppose it would be better with stg-v2-8axis-mod.o but where can I find this?

Sometimes when using tool compensation the control skips all blocks, after a block with G41/42 in, until it find G40, then it's normal again.

Lars Jareteg Sweden

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L B Jareteg 2001-03-22 14:58:20 UTC EMC-STG2 problems