CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


on 1999-09-01 16:15:48 UTC
Hi again,

I just found an incredible site:

It is so nice ! The way it is made, almost like an art gallery, -
and the documentation is ..... a dream. Here is a lot on file
formats, DXF and the rest.
I wrote you some questions about CAD/CAM, and I get the feeling
there is something missing.

I said that I am a bit familiar with AutoCad, - but this was a low
budget package. You had a lot of CAD programs on workstations and
such, - Intergraph, - was one I think, but there was a lot of others
too. Did they all die ? or something ?
We have unix and workstations - so I am rephrasing my earlier
questions a bit: What is the coolest and nicest setup ?

What about file formats: I played around with some 3d shapes in a
wavefront ? format. ( ....have no clue as to what kind of program
uses this )
I mean - is DXF the best format ? I would like to get some input
about the "real" stuff. How do they design parts, from A to Z, -
these large corporations, - HP, Boeing, GM, , Hitachi, Rolls
Does anyone here know of some good articles on the net, about
"state of the art" manufacturing ?

You know, - what you say, can make a difference. I know this is
crazy, - but if we wanted - say AutoCad on our Linux box, and
everyone from this group, - dropped a note at AutoDesk or what ever
- then we would actually put things in motion. So, what I am really
asking is: from A-Z, how would you like to make your parts, - if
you were a "zillionare" ?

( For one: I noticed the joke about a TV-remote for the machines,
- I thought it was a good idea !! - and it is simple to make ! So,
if you have other ideas like this, - spell it out. Lets dream a
little. )

Ok, - you may ask what I am up to ?
Simple - get some info, so I know what I should be dreaming about. I
just admitted something to another one here: I hated windows,
because it made all my own programs look bad ! :-) First I said
it as a joke, - but then it was no joke. I have spent hours and
money on software that just died out. I would hate to be stuck with
something that is "out of date". I may do it, if the price is
right, - but then I would hopefully know what I was doing.


Discussion Thread

Arne Chr. Jorgensen 1999-09-01 16:15:48 UTC CAF? PTENGIN@x... 1999-09-01 15:35:12 UTC Re: CAF?