CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


on 2001-05-18 08:07:33 UTC
On 18 May 2001, at 14:36, ARosenf306@... wrote:

> introduce myself to the group. Since I "know" you from the Shoptask
> group, my "lurking" in the background here might be forgiven. My name
> is Art, I am located in the foothils of northern Colorado, make my
> living in servicing and repairing optical microscopes. I am hopeing to
> use my machine to build optical mounts and tooling. I have a shoptask
> set up with 400oz steppers, with Dan Mauch's 5A chopper driver. Right
> now i'm running DeskNC but it doesn't really act very stable on my
> machine (Gateway 2000). Could be my lack of knowledge on CNC. Could be
> the computer. Remember I've been a MAC person for years and am now
> relearning DOS. I am on the list to receive the EMC BDI cd (I think)
> but have not received it yet. I really just want to find a program
> thats stable and that I can figure out. I've wanted to post to the
> group but have been a little intimidated. I don't understand most of
> the stuff you folks talk about, but I hope eveyone does not mind me
> (and others) listening in, Take care, Art

Intimidated? You are further ahead than I am, I know nothing about
CNC, but these groups are valuable resources for the Home
Hobbyist. Ask a question and it gets an answer and sometimes
even a conversation gets going about it. Over the course of less
than a week, thanks to the folks on this group, I know what I need
to get for my Bridgeport Series I conversion to PC Based control.
Some of the power supply parts are here. Next step will be the
Gecko drives.

I gotta tell the lurkers, you don't ask the specific question you need
an answer to, you may just be putting yourself behind in your

There are enough good folks on this list to fend off those that jump
on ya...:-)


Discussion Thread

jvicars@c... 2001-04-27 20:42:03 UTC Series 2 weight Tim Goldstein 2001-04-27 21:24:51 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Series 2 weight Jon Elson 2001-05-01 18:14:45 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Series 2 weight Tim Goldstein 2001-05-01 20:32:16 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Series 2 weight Tim Goldstein 2001-05-01 21:36:55 UTC EMC BDI Jon Elson 2001-05-01 23:29:18 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Series 2 weight Tim Goldstein 2001-05-02 09:16:54 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Series 2 weight Jon Elson 2001-05-02 14:51:38 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Series 2 weight ARosenf306@a... 2001-05-18 07:36:49 UTC Re: EMC BDI Marty Escarcega 2001-05-18 08:07:33 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: EMC BDI