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Re: Newbie: milling control

Posted by Andrew Werby
on 1999-09-16 02:16:03 UTC
Message: 5
Date: 15 Sep 1999 02:33:16 -0000
From: gullo@...
Subject: Newbie : milling control

I bought a CNC engraving milling (1984) and its controller is old
GE controller(not fanuc and not functional).
It has AC servos & servo drives (from niki denso without manual).

How can I make this thing work?
can I make it PC Based controller?
I'm new to this.

Please help

[It sounds like you're in the same boat as me, Imran. I've got this old
(1984) Leadwell CNC mill, which has an obsolete controller but functional
ball-screws, servo motors, and servo amps. It's an impressive piece of
iron, but I'm not sure how to hook it up to a EMC/Linux PC without burning
up the existing electronics. It has lots of wires going from its old
controller, but I'm not sure which controls the motors, which is encoder,
limit-switch, or tachometer feedback, which controls the oiler (defunct)
and what to cut. (I'm also wondering if it is necessary to completely
eliminate the old controller, which still works, or if I can somehow splice
in the new brain to use when it's called for.) I'm also unclear as to the
power supply requirements, and whether all these different functions are
working with the same juice. Anybody want to help us both out here, if only
with some theoretical advice?]

Andrew Werby

Andrew Werby - United Artworks
Sculpture, Jewelry, and Other Art Stuff

Discussion Thread

Andrew Werby 1999-09-16 02:16:03 UTC Re: Newbie: milling control PTENGIN@x... 1999-09-16 14:25:46 UTC Re: Re: Newbie: milling control