CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

EMC stability

Posted by machines@n...
on 2001-07-14 17:51:03 UTC
Many thanks to the folks who have answered my questions so far on EMC
and to Ray Henry and Paul Corner who are looking into the previous
G44 question I asked.
Contary to popular myth I read the FAQ and also a lot of what is in
the Linux/emc files.
I came across one referance to one of Matt Shavers customers who
noted that "We are still having run aways"
Can anyone shed light on this, Matt? It seems a little worrying if
this can happen. I often set my machine running and walk away into
the other shop to carry on bench work.
Second thing I picked up was a recent post about the BDI install
resetting the referance points after a G30, end of program move. Has
this been dealt with yet?

John Stevenson

Discussion Thread

machines@n... 2001-07-14 17:51:03 UTC EMC stability Jon Elson 2001-07-14 20:35:30 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC stability machines@n... 2001-07-15 04:53:56 UTC Re: EMC stability Ray 2001-07-15 06:38:29 UTC Re: EMC stability Matt Shaver 2001-07-15 22:49:39 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: EMC stability