CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Remember those Goldmine motors ?

Posted by beer@s...
on 2001-08-01 10:16:59 UTC
Remember those little 24volt Electronics Goldmine servo motors ? The
ones with the 1000/4000 count rotary encoders on the back ?

Did anyone ever figure out what LINEAR count the encoders were good
for ?

I bought a few of these motors and messed up the code wheels
disassembling them. Not too worried as codewheels are pretty cheap.
But I never did come up with a wonderful way to convert linear to
rotary AND have it fit on my little machines. So now I'd like to use
them with a linear strip.

Current Plan:

I'm now nearing the end of a project to put a bigger table on my little
Burke universal horizontal mill.

original = 1 slot, 4"x14", 8" travel
new = 2 slots, 6"x18", 12" travel

The "table" itself is part of a Grizzley XY table, the leadscrew is the
acme screw off my Shoptask, and the base is something I've built myself.

( Take a piece of steel 11"x6"x2". Mill away 85% of it. Apologize to
your Shoptask after doing so. )

The plan here is to put the linear strip and encoder UNDER the table.
It will be VERY tight, but there's really NO other place to put it. And
if it all fits, it will be nicely protected.

Thanks in advance.



Alan Rothenbush | The Spartans do not ask the number of the
Academic Computing Services | enemy, only where they are.
Simon Fraser University |
Burnaby, B.C., Canada | Agix of Sparta

Discussion Thread

beer@s... 2001-08-01 10:16:59 UTC Remember those Goldmine motors ? Tim 2001-08-01 12:53:01 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Remember those Goldmine motors ? Art Eckstein 2001-08-01 16:09:09 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Remember those Goldmine motors ?