CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: ??

Posted by Jon Elson
on 1999-09-24 15:40:43 UTC
Paul Corner wrote:

> From: Paul Corner <Paul.Corner@...>
> Hi Fred
> I have at last got a little time to play with EMC in conjunction with a three
> axis stepper drive board - I hope to eventually run a DC servo machine..
> The only way I can get the stepper script to work is to set
> PARPORT_IO_ADDRESS=0x378 in and 0x278 in stepper.ini.
> With any other combination I cannot get out of ESTOP of get the limit switches
> seen.
> Any comments ?

When using steppers, you need TWO parallel ports! One for the stepper motion
commands, and one for the auxilliary control bits, like spindle for/rev and brake,
coolants, E-stop controls, stepper power on, etc.

> How much work is involved in setting up three servo driven axis and two
> stepper powered axis ?

The version of EMC I'm running doesn't allow mixed motor types, but I think
Fred has either already removed that restriction, or will, soon. 5 axes is not yet
supported, either. Apparently, there are some customized versions that handle
4 axes, 3 linear and one rotary. Fred indicated that getting 6 axes working is
high on his priority list, and will be done soon (perhaps in a few weeks.)


Discussion Thread

Paul Corner 1999-09-24 14:42:07 UTC Re: ?? Jon Elson 1999-09-24 15:40:43 UTC Re: ?? Brian Register 1999-09-24 19:07:47 UTC Re: ??