CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

RE: ServoToGo

Posted by Alan
on 1999-09-27 10:56:31 UTC
I just went through a Q&A on this subject with the guys at STG,
so perhaps I can fill you in. Before I do this, however, I'd like
to say that they really are quite helpful.

The older version is functionally similar to the new one with one
exception... it does not have a watchdog timer on it. This can be
a nice thing when you consider that you are moving a moving cutter
around your (probably) expensive machine. The other thing is that
apparently the original version had a flakey index pulse, something
that was solved with the addition of one or more caps (reflection

It is quite easy to upgrade the 2 axis to an 8 axis (this is what I
am doing). The parts are not really that expensive. This is what
STG told me:

R25 = R26 = R29 = R30 = R31 = R32 = 3.3k 1% 1/4 or 1/8 watt
R16 = R17 = R18 = R19 = R20 = R21 = 825 ohm 1% 1/4 or 1/8 watt

These resistors set the gain of the analog output amps. The amps are the
TLE2062 chips in U20, U21, U22 and U23.

All the capacitors are .01 uF decoupling capacitors.

6 LS7166 US Digital ~$12
4 26C32 Newark (#83F3860) ~$1.10
3 TLE2062CP Newark (#08F9170) ~$1.25
1 50 pin connector Newark #46F4733 ~$3.04

That is about it. This is my first post to the LIST, and I hope that
someone can find some use out of it!

--Alan... (a support of Jon Elson's project...someday I'll finish)

-----Original Message-----
From: root@... [mailto:root@...]On Behalf Of Arne Chr.
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 1999 3:43 AM
Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] ServoToGo

From: "Arne Chr. Jorgensen" <instel@...>


Just saw that they have released a new Stg board, - does anyone know
what is needed to upgrade the old ones. Do you need it, and will
EMC handle it.


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Discussion Thread

Arne Chr. Jorgensen 1999-09-23 03:42:52 UTC ServoToGo Alan 1999-09-27 10:56:31 UTC RE: ServoToGo Jon Elson 1999-09-27 23:02:49 UTC Re: ServoToGo