CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: SirCam virus

Posted by Ray
on 2001-08-18 06:43:27 UTC
From: Thomas Gilmour <tgilmour@...>

>If anyone has received an email from me with attachments, they contained
>the SirCam virus. If you opened any of these attachments your system is
>probably infected, and you should contact everyone with an email address
>in your address book.

A note here for the Linux newbes. You really don't need to worry about
much of this infection stuff on your linux box. Many open and read these
infected files just so they can say they can!

I should sound a cautionary note, if you are a newbe to the linux system
and are running the EMC as root, you should set up your system to surf and
email as a user rather than as root. There is also a FAQ on on
operating EMC as a user. "What do I need to do to run EMC as a user?"



Discussion Thread

Thomas Gilmour 2001-08-17 22:24:34 UTC SirCam virus Ray 2001-08-18 06:43:27 UTC Re: SirCam virus M. SHABBIR MOGHUL 2001-08-19 10:26:13 UTC any one in hong kong. Tony Jeffree 2001-08-20 00:32:30 UTC Re: SirCam virus