CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Newbie and Wooden Machines

Posted by JanRwl@A...
on 2001-09-03 14:27:40 UTC
In a message dated 03-Sep-01 03:33:16 Central Daylight Time,
peter@... writes:

> I am interested in building a CNC milling/routing machine and am comfortable
> with the stepper motor drive and software issues. Not being a very strong
> mechanical engineer I am challenged by the design of a suitable milling
> machine. I would like to build a three axis machine capable of machining

Peter: A machine built of such as MDF, or even Baltic Birch Plywood, no
matter how fine the workmanship, will still be a "wooden machine", and the
best you will ever be able to do with it is perhaps route PCB's or make small
plastic models, etc. You will NEVER be able to mill even aluminum with any
repeatable accuracy.

I counsel that you at least purchase a ready-made unit, even if Chinese, and
"re-build" it with CNC kits or use your own expertise to retrofit steppers
and ball-screws, etc.

There are several makes of "ways" and ball- or roller-bearings, with which
one can build formidably-precise "home-brew" machinery. There are several
"Pacific Rim" makes, and the famous Yank Thomson Linear Ball-Bearings (I will
see if I can find a link to leave on this message). Brands like NSK, Kerk,
etc. come to mind, but I have no hands-on experience with any but Thomson.

Lots of luck! Jan Rowland, Yank Troll      

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Discussion Thread

Peter Seddon 2001-09-03 01:32:37 UTC Newbie and Wooden Machines JanRwl@A... 2001-09-03 14:27:40 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Newbie and Wooden Machines cncdxf@a... 2001-09-03 15:50:49 UTC Re: Newbie and Wooden Machines