CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: help please...

on 2001-09-26 10:30:26 UTC
> Why, on earth, do you want to take servo motors off, and
> put steppers on????? Why don't you just update the machine as
> it is? Are the servo amps separate units? Just keep them,
> and hook to one of the servo control devices and use a
> servo-capable control program. EMC and DeskNcrt can
> drive servo systems. The Servo-to-Go card or my
> parallel port axis control can drive most servo amps, and
> read the position from encoders.
> You can see some info about EMC and my parallel port
> stuff at :
> and :
> I can tell you, you will never match the performance of these
> servo motors with any steppers!
> Jon

Hey Jon,

first of all thanks for still reading my messages.

Since I know nothing about mechanics, power electronics, CNC,
machining, the only thing I know something about is Unix/C/stuff like
that, I found EMC a pretty good deal to use for our family bussines,
I still need a lot of info & education.

I need the info to find the brushes or replace them with newer
servos as far as the steppers I would like to have the info to
get the appropiate power supply/drivers since they already are in
the shop and we have plenty machines to put them on.


Discussion Thread

enrique_sanchez_vela@y... 2001-09-25 08:35:24 UTC help please... Jon Elson 2001-09-25 10:45:16 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] help please... enrique_sanchez_vela@y... 2001-09-26 10:30:26 UTC Re: help please... Tim 2001-09-26 13:00:53 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: help please... Jon Elson 2001-09-26 22:00:07 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: help please...