CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] BDI Screen resolution & update rates?

Posted by Henrik Olsson
on 2001-10-06 14:10:52 UTC
Thanks! So THATS how the homing axis at the it!
Also, the limit switsches? What happens with EMC when a limitswitch is
tripped? I see that XYZ positive are connected in parallel as well as XYZ
negative. If the machine hits one of the negative limits, for eaxample, will
EMC go into E-Stop or what happens and if it goes into E-stop how can I back
the axis off from the switch?
Sorry for all the questions! I have saved some posts regarding EMC from the
last couple of months and I'm reading thru them again now.
Thanks again.
/Henrik Olsson. Sweden.

----- Original Message -----
> Henrik,
> > Ian,
> > Thank you!
> > No luck with XF86 - wasn't installed and I didn't manage to install it
> > :-( but Xconfigurator did the trick. Now I have a much better screen to
> > look at :-))
> > Back to EMC, I see there are three different EMC icons, emc_generic,
> emc_run
> > & emc_sim. What's the differnce and which should I use to run steppers?
> emc_sim is only used for simulation. it will not move your motors. Either
> or will move steppers or servos but you must first
> go to the INI file and set up the parameters you wish to use. They are the
> same program using different INI files. uses generic.ini and
> uses emc.ini. You can set it up to use whatever ini you wish so
> can use it for more than one machine. Go here and see what info you can
> gather about setting up the INI file and ask here what you don't
> There will probably be a few questions. Also look on the BDI disk for docs
> > And one more:
> > How does the homing work in EMC? Does it move one axis untill the home
> > switch trips, then back it up away from the switch and on the next axis?
> > wonder because I need to know how to hookup the switches.
> Yes, you must select the axis you wish to home and then hit the home
> button. when X is homed select Y and do the same. It will only home the
> axis you have selected. In the INI file there is a setting for home offset
> which will move the axis off of the home switch by that amount once it has
> tripped. I have mine set for about .2"
> Bill

Discussion Thread

Henrik Olsson 2001-10-06 05:20:28 UTC BDI Screen resolution & update rates? Ian Wright 2001-10-06 07:34:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] BDI Screen resolution & update rates? Henrik Olsson 2001-10-06 12:45:01 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] BDI Screen resolution & update rates? William Scalione 2001-10-06 13:42:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] BDI Screen resolution & update rates? Henrik Olsson 2001-10-06 14:10:52 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] BDI Screen resolution & update rates? Henrik Olsson 2001-10-06 14:30:16 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] BDI Screen resolution & update rates?