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Trying to sleep !

on 1999-10-12 18:04:16 UTC
Hi, flakes, nuts, and lunatics !

I could not sleep, so I hope I will cool down by writing a few

First of all, Linux.

I have run it on 6-8 ? machines, 386, and up. I am even thinking
of doing it on 286s . ( Yes, it can be done ! )
I had a headache with the 486 memory model, before I got it worked
out with rt and EMC.
I also have run linux on scsi for more than a year now. You can do
anything with Linux ! Run other UNIX's, emulate DOS, networking on
any media, group everything into a huge clusters, and outperform a
Cray computer !

Some people pay lots of money for space on web servers, - I am
thinking of doing the same: I soon will charge Microsoft for using
any of their programs on my network !

I would like to address this to Mr. list manager:
How does this list work, can we just open up another list ?

If you use the /PROC service, or other stuff, - you could download
all info on hardware interrupts used, disk drives, etc. You could
make a table form: computer type, cpu type, memory, etc. into a
text file.
Then use a web site, or another list. I think Fred Proctor could
assist on some questions on this matter, because it could be
possible to tar up every important directories, for a basic setup of
linux+rtkernal+EMC. We could all do this on the system we have
running, and making an archive of ready compiled setups. All extra
can be installed as you wished, after you have the basic system.

Then just use Windows or dos to write down to a text file, what you
have installed. Seek trough the archive, and download the tar file,
- and you have duplicated something that is working. Or maybe just
generate a script, so these tars use the patch system or what you
need. ( Just some thoughts )

More Linux:

You have to realize that you are taking part of a new great
development. Every day there comes more and more applications, and
for free. If you wait a few years, you may miss a whole deal. ( It
will not be free anymore ) Many professional companies are giving
things for free, to just check response from the marked, to do beta
test and such.

Dos was a single user system. They could not get the marked away
from old habits. So they overlaid it with Windows, and ripped the
DOS platform away - and installed NT ( unix ) as it's new
foundation. ( Because it is soooo much better ) And Linux is better
than Windows NT in many ways. That is why we love it. And you can
learn, tweak it as you like, - have a lot of programs and
applications in the top league, - not found on any other platform.

If you like it to behave like dos - do it: alias ls = 'dir , or ,
alias cd..='cd ..' . In other words, you can make it just like you
like to, if you like dos better.

I can mount 4,5 computers in one directory. Using it as a normal
local disk. Or divide programs to run in parallel on several
- there is so much you can do. Use it as a server or a Windows
network, or the other way around. I don't have a driver for my CD
writer, I mount a Windows98 machine on my linux box, using the CD
burner as another disk to write it to. And you have the control,
the source code, and everything. I even have my own Web servers,
running BSD unix, Linux, Windows - all on a large network from my
computer terminal. ( I don't need anything other than a box on the
others, like keyboards, mouse, monitor. I can even run X
applications on other machines, and have it on my local display.

I think you guys are crazy ! Don't you get it ? If you want to,
you can turn it into a Cray computer !


You will not find anything like it, -

To Chris Paine: Did you get the disk drives running ?

Blue sky computer:

My first Linux box, has the address of - the dark
clouds of Microsoft went away. My Windows 98 machine, has the name
of :-) All others has kept to this, like ( another Microsoft),,, - ar linux. There is still some
other machines, but you get the drift.

The Blue sky dream up, was nice, - but just go out and buy a system
like that. The nice thing with what we are doing, is to modular,
easy way to keep upgrading, change things, have fun. Shoot,
someone said that they picked up a stepper for two bucks, and made
something out of it. Other have made things out of what they have
found in dumpsites. Where else could you do that ? We like to make
things, - right ?


PCB boards:

I made a machine years ago, plotting the artwork and drilling the
holes. I didn't have to do anything more, at did all on it's own.
I tried different inks, - but it worked better when I plotted out on
film, and used photographic transfer of the artwork. I didn't think
of removing paint !! Why didn't I ????

Many years ago, I was in my art period. Lithographic, copper
sticks, silk-screens, all sort of stuff. A was in an art studio,
with well known people. ( - it is strange to think of all the crazy
things I have done )
Well, you can get some liquid, wax like looking etch resistant
from some art material suppliers. Alfred Durer, Rembrandt and other
famous artists, used different stuff. You can find recipes on
several etch resistant, and also on mixes of acids.
Ferro cloric will etch something like a trapezoidal shape. ( it
will be wider at the bottom) while Nitric acid, will do the

But, you may use a laser to expose any photo resist directly ?

Okay, now I may be tired enough to sleep. ( It is a stupid idea to
read the digest at bed time, you get too worked up ! )


Discussion Thread

Arne Chr. Jorgensen 1999-10-12 18:04:16 UTC Trying to sleep ! WAnliker@x... 1999-10-12 20:12:01 UTC Re: Trying to sleep !