CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMCO CNC5 Floppy Drive

Posted by FIK
on 2001-10-23 15:05:11 UTC
The CNC5 and the F1 came in sveral generations as most of us knw. The
majority have a miniture tape drive for storing programs. There was one
generation possibly a limited run as I have never seen one in the flesh onl
in the brochure when I prchased my frst machine from EMCO. when the machine
arrived I was disapointed that it had a tape reader instead of a floppy
drive. In fact I tried to return the machine adn get the floppy drive
version but it was not available. THis is one feature pron=baly the one
biggest redeeming quality of the CNC5 machines F1 CNC inclusive is that
evrything needed is all right there, keypad, storage device CPU. How hard
woould it be to convert these machines to accept a floppy drive? Or any
machine for that matter. My personal preference is to have the machine selof
conmtained, I like the handiness of not having to have a computer in y
filthy shop. I now could clean the shop anmd put in air filtration systems,
I genrate LOTS and LOTS of very fine dust. but to keep on track here for
once. HOW tough would it be to add a Floppy drive instead of the tape
reader. It would be so hand then to be able to write programs, store them on
a floppy, transfer the informastion ina typical file stroing manner a drive
to some folder in my computer, when I want to use it I can just load it on a
new flopp take the flopy to my work place and pop it in, load the prgram
into memory and after dialing evrything in, setting the G92 get to work.
What a lovely thing these CNC5's could be. So I know there a lot of solder
and flux people on here, some computer techies, How tough to make the tape
reade a Floppy drive??

Discussion Thread

FIK 2001-10-23 15:05:11 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMCO CNC5 Floppy Drive Ian Wright 2001-10-24 06:11:45 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMCO CNC5 Floppy Drive