Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: digitizer probe and software
Posted by
on 2001-11-05 21:08:08 UTC
True, the .dxf file is just a bunch of lines (it's fairly obvious when you
look at in enlarged 3D), but for my purposes, Those will do just fine. I
think I can do the enlarge/shrink step in Vector as well and eliminate the
necessity of having to even open Rhino.
I don't think Rhino will convert the lines to an .stl file....but I'll check
that out.
I haven't looked thoroughly at the MAXNC post pgm yet either, so I'll check
to see what else it does. Probably won't get a chance to do any more with
it until the weekend tho'.
look at in enlarged 3D), but for my purposes, Those will do just fine. I
think I can do the enlarge/shrink step in Vector as well and eliminate the
necessity of having to even open Rhino.
I don't think Rhino will convert the lines to an .stl file....but I'll check
that out.
I haven't looked thoroughly at the MAXNC post pgm yet either, so I'll check
to see what else it does. Probably won't get a chance to do any more with
it until the weekend tho'.
> Hi Gordon,x .5
> Glad you're enjoying the MaxNC probe! I've also been able to run the
> NCTODXF.EXE (NC to DXF) file conversion program on surfaces i've
> digitized; however I think the DXF file is still only "LINES", and not
> "SURFACES". So, they aren't convertible to STL's, at least with
> StlTrans. Can Rhino convert them to STL's?
> I'm going to generate ROW & COLUMN output (XYZ for StlTrans), which
> should solve the problem. OR, I could also generate DEM's.
> Yes, you can have Vector put up a dialog box and ask you for the feed
> rate, I think the supplied MaxNC post does that. OR, there is an option
> on the NC editor to get things like that. Easy enough to add my
> comments and an extra line or two to the code, as you've observed.
> You can also import the digitizer Gcode file into Vector CAD/CAM
> directly, and save the drawing file as a DXF. You already HAVE the
> GCODE, or you can re-generate it from the DXF file. In-between, it is
> then possible to do some "clean ups" to the data.
> Alan KM6VV
> Smoke wrote:
> >
> > Speaking of software...
> >
> > I just got done testing the probe software that came with the unit.
> >
> > It works GREAT! Took about 30 minutes to digitize an area 3.25" square
> > inches
> >
> > Then I ran the conversion program. That worked well too...but it wasn't
> > apparent. After looking under the file name it saved the file in Ifound
> > the file was 1.2+ MB in size. Apparently the conversion program willalways
> > send the converted .dxf file to the same place, so you have to be sureto
> > rename it after converting.step
> >
> > I then opened the file in Rhino just to see what it looked like. That
> > worked well too, so I could have easily enlarged or shrunk the image.simple.
> >
> > Next thing I tried was opening it with the Vector Demo pgm to see if it
> > would generate a gcode for machining. That turned out to be real
> > Had the gcode in less than two minutes! One thing I have noticed isthat
> > the gcode doesn't put in and feed rates or spindle speeds. Maybe thedo
> > program is capable of that as well. If so, I haven't found out how to
> > that yet. In the meantime, it's pretty easy to add a few lines of code.
> >
> > Smoke
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Discussion Thread
2001-11-04 16:31:42 UTC
Re: digitizer probe and software
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2001-11-05 11:10:08 UTC
Re: digitizer probe and software
Fred Smith
2001-11-05 14:53:24 UTC
Re: digitizer probe and software
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2001-11-05 15:40:22 UTC
Re: digitizer probe and software
Fred Smith
2001-11-05 18:45:42 UTC
Re: digitizer probe and software
2001-11-05 21:08:08 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: digitizer probe and software
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2001-11-05 22:26:32 UTC
Re: digitizer probe and software
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2001-11-05 22:39:39 UTC
Re: digitizer probe and software
Fred Smith
2001-11-06 04:29:50 UTC
Re: digitizer probe and software
2001-11-06 08:11:57 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: digitizer probe and software
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2001-11-06 11:43:28 UTC
Re: digitizer probe and software
David Goodfellow
2001-11-06 11:48:53 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: digitizer probe and software
Matt Shaver
2001-11-06 12:06:08 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: digitizer probe and software
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2001-11-06 12:13:11 UTC
Re: digitizer probe and software
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2001-11-06 12:59:48 UTC
Re: digitizer probe and software