CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Monitor problems in dos mode

Posted by mark
on 2001-11-08 06:24:56 UTC
I had an awful time trying to make a newer plug'n'play monitor work.
Exactly the same problem. In fact, that's why it was sitting in the
"take it
home, it doesn't work, and we can buy a new one for less than repair

It became completely functional when I put Win98 on my W95 machine.
I doon't recall for sure, I may have put an older (and always 100
compatible) S3 Virge video card in.

It has to do with putting the monitor to sleep, not the fact that it's
into an electrostatic dust precipitator.... /mark

Discussion Thread

mark 2001-11-08 06:24:56 UTC Monitor problems in dos mode Gail & Bryan Harries 2001-11-08 06:44:20 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Monitor problems in dos mode