CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] holes, collets, counterbores, guitar bridges. More

Posted by Brian Pitt
on 2001-11-11 15:46:52 UTC
this sounds almost like the conversational programming utility found in
many CNC controls
where you can define a blank piece of material (optional)
select a tool , draw the path for that tool on screen and the G-code
is pasted into a part file ,canned cycles will prompt you or give
a 'fill in the blanks' dialog
many of them are tied in to the machine configuration so they can be
setup with 'crash zones' to stay away from or give an error if the program
tries to go outside the machine envelope (size,speed,etc)

many of the functions are already available ,there are small programs to
produce G-code for fonts,bolt hole circles and such but so far they have
not been rolled up into a full CAM programming system with an integrated
editor and simulator for off line use ,or I'm not aware of one anyway


> let me get the "thing" on the table, let me tell the CADCAM
> what drills I have and how I planned on working it. So many Caned cycles
> and tool librarys don't consider or make it easy to write some of this
> approach our own way.

Discussion Thread

FIK 2001-11-11 11:23:37 UTC holes, collets, counterbores, guitar bridges. More ccs@m... 2001-11-11 11:47:41 UTC Re: holes, collets, counterbores, guitar bridges. More machines@n... 2001-11-11 14:11:37 UTC Re: holes, collets, counterbores, guitar bridges. More dougrasmussen@c... 2001-11-11 15:18:10 UTC Re: holes, collets, counterbores, guitar bridges. More Brian Pitt 2001-11-11 15:46:52 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] holes, collets, counterbores, guitar bridges. More jesse 2001-11-11 21:13:05 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: holes, collets, counterbores, guitar bridges. More