CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

A plea for brevity in responses

Posted by FIK
on 2001-11-22 02:57:33 UTC
I really enjoy al the information hat flows on this list. I have one I hope
positive suggestion for folks like me who are on slow servers in remote
expensive ISP's

You don't need to copy an entire 30 or 40 line meaasge to reply to it. Cut
it snip to an important line or two and then reply, most of us keep up with
the digest or emails real frequently and if the thread does get lost we can
look it up in the archive. I am not being mean when I say this but it is
maddening to scroll down for 50 lines with each message and the return
address for the group, an identification list of who owns runs moderates the
list and then have 10 people reply to the same message and each one
completley copy the last reply. It just isn't necessary. I have been on
other lists of other topics and the list owner or sheriff, list mom,
depending on the group occasionally diplomatically remiinds everyone how
responses can be made succinctly.

I like the list, I am jealous of the knowledge and soaking it in as fast as
I can but really be considerate and don't paste an entire message that you
are replying to, it takes twenty minutes to try and scroll through it and
find the new information. Please fogive my direct nature but wasting time
scrolling soon I just delete the whole thing as the return on the time it
takes is minimal.

Again, be fair crop your replies, take as much space as you need for new
answers or replies but when a message has seven>>>>>>>>>> in front of it,
some of us are not being fair about time.

Flame me if you need to but it needed to be said, I wish I had a nicer way
to say it, I mean it nice and if ebveryone does it will make the list tidier
and more fun to read.
JOhnno (happy thanksgiving)

Discussion Thread

FIK 2001-11-22 02:57:33 UTC A plea for brevity in responses Tim Goldstein 2001-11-22 08:47:31 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] A plea for brevity in responses