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Re: Re: Paper Tape Punch

Posted by Jon Elson
on 1999-10-17 23:37:44 UTC
"Arne Chr. Jorgensen" wrote:

> From: "Arne Chr. Jorgensen" <instel@...>
> Hi,
> It is not difficult to do a conversion to Baudot, and if it is a
> RS232 interface, - you could feed it from a computer, instead of
> using paper tape. More or less the same stuff as Andrew would want
> to do. The "old" comunication adapter boards I told him about,
> used a INS8250 chip, and the word length can be set. ( I can't
> remember how Baudot maps to ASCII, but I once wrote a program for
> it, so I know it can be done )

Baudot??? I was just telling him to avoid any machines with 5-level
tape. He apparently needs to punch out 8-level tapes for his EDM
controller to read. A punch for 5-level tape would not do him much


Discussion Thread

Roland Friestad 1999-10-16 17:04:49 UTC Paper Tape Punch Jim GREGG 1999-10-16 17:47:01 UTC Re: Paper Tape Punch Jon Elson 1999-10-16 21:54:06 UTC Re: Paper Tape Punch Ray Henry 1999-10-17 08:11:48 UTC Re: Paper Tape Punch Arne Chr. Jorgensen 1999-10-17 15:20:36 UTC Re: Paper Tape Punch Jon Elson 1999-10-17 23:37:44 UTC Re: Re: Paper Tape Punch