CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Digest Number 1828

Posted by machines@n...
on 2001-12-04 00:44:22 UTC
--- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., Tony Jeffree <tony@j...> wrote:
> At 04:38 04/12/2001 +0000, you wrote:
> >This was posted on another board that I frequent.
> >Just thought I'd repost it here to show how professional a basic
> >shop retrofit can work out.
> >Take a look at
> Nice home shop...will get myself one next time I need to machine a
> diameter steel plate...
> Don't tell me John - a week ago, this was a large pile of junk you
> to find falling off the back of a local technical college...? ;-)
> Regards,
> Tony

No Tony not mine.
I believe the company is in the US making kit cars.
Point I was trying to make, and didn't, was that this very
professional retrofit is powered by the same package available to the
home shop guy. It just happens to be a bit bigger {g}

John S.

Discussion Thread

Tony Jeffree 2001-12-04 00:40:20 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 1828 machines@n... 2001-12-04 00:44:22 UTC Re: Digest Number 1828