CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Mini Mill and Lathe for sale

Posted by shawnusa2002
on 2001-12-12 13:04:59 UTC
Hey guy's/Gal's

I wanted to ask if anyone here was interested in buying my Lathe and
Mill. I have never used either except to turn on or run a test peice
through the lathe.I was going to use them for robotics but intrests
have changed. No mods have been done and there in new condition. I
reside in Houston and would prefer not to ship. If anyone is
interested in buying them let me know off line shawnusa@... or
shawn.rogers2@.... Soory to dissrupt normal conversations.

Shawn Rogers

Discussion Thread

shawnusa2002 2001-12-12 13:04:59 UTC Mini Mill and Lathe for sale Bill Vance 2001-12-12 22:40:50 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Mini Mill and Lathe for sale