CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

[CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC Problems & Qustions.

Posted by Henrik Olsson
on 2001-12-17 10:32:16 UTC
Hi all,
I have a couple of problems with the EMC (BDI) which I hope you wizards can
help me with.
I should tell you that i don't have any motors hooked up yet, I'm just
playing around, watching the numbers on the readout.

I'm running the EMC_Generic and have edited the .ini to run steppermod.o and
commented out the period parameter. I also changed the Unit-line to 1.0 for
metric and changed to minimilltask.

First, after I have taken the machine out of E-stop and hit Machine On I can
jog any axis until it hits the software-limit which I have set to 100 in the
generic.ini. However if I switch to MDI and try to do a G0 or G01 from 0 to
say 50 (like this: G0 x50) I get an error message saying Linear move out of
range. I have changed from inch to mm in the Units menu.
BUT if i jog the axis to 100 i can do a G0 back to zero.
So: I can jog in the postive direction and do G0 back to zero but I can't do
a G0 in the positve direction and jog back.
What can be the problem?

Second, I can't seem to get ANY usable speed, if I crank the Axis Speed up
to 120 it takes 50 seconds to jog from 0 to 100 (mm) thats just above 4ipm.
I have changed the Max_Velocity to 2 in the .ini. I tried 3 also but then
the computer crashed (PII-350 with 256 MB and Matrox G100).
Oh, I have ir setup for 250 steps per mm (~6500 steps per inch) a little
high, I know but 4IPM???

Third, a couple of questions regarding the .ini file.
Should the Platform task controller be set to realtime or nonrealtime and
what difference does it make? (I have it set to nonrealtime and I run the

What does the MIN_OUTPUT & MAX_OUTPUT do?
What does the FEROOR & ERROR do?

Thank you for your time and any help I can get!
/Henrik Olsson. Sweden.

Discussion Thread

Henrik Olsson 2001-12-17 10:32:16 UTC [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC Problems & Qustions.