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The 2002 NAMES Show in the Detroit Area (Southgate, MI)

on 2002-01-19 15:49:50 UTC
Greetings to everyone,

It's time soon for the NAMES show - They have asked me again to organize the
display area and the CNC seminar - This is a great time to meet and talk
with folks with a common interest and many of those who regularly post to
this list -

For those of you who want to have me arrange for display area in the main
hall - contact me OFF LIST and include your physical address and telephone
number - Also include a brief listing of what, if anything you will be
bringing and what sort of services you will need (electricity [amps],
compressed air, etc) - Maybe we can arrange a Breakfast Get-Together this
year also -

I will publish a list of those who are planning to be there and what they
will be bringing unless you request that I not include your name -

There is a new location this year near the old location but with more room -
Contact - for more information

The show is officially April 27-28, 2002 (Saturday and Sunday) - Setup days
are Thursday and Friday - Friday April 26 is also education day and if
possible it would be nice to be there because that is the day that teachers
bring high school and junior high students for "show and tell" and the
general public is not allowed

If at all possible you should plan to stay until mid afternoon on Sunday -
They are donating the space to us for our display even though they have a
multi-year waiting list for commercial vendors who want the space -

The CNC seminar is scheduled on Saturday from 12:00 Noon to 1:45 PM in
Classroom A - If you are not planning to display but want to attend the CNC
seminar it would also be handy to have you e-mail me with your intentions -
Reservations are not required but in the past we have had standing room only
and it I know in advance it will be helpful -

I've been pretty swamped for the last several months in my CNC retrofit
business but I had planned to have my homebuilt Quick Change Tooling design
at this show - It is the predecessor to the Automatic Tool Changer for the
small Mill/Drills - Unfortunately a stint in the hospital may make that
impossible - Next year for sure - Complete plans will be published in HOME

Any of you who would like to contribute comments, ideas, plans, etc., for
publication in the HSM magazine, I welcome your input - Credit will be given
for anything used in my column "Computers in the Shop" - Send anything to my
e-mail address, OFF LIST also please - Unfortunately they only provide me
limited space per issue and I cannot guarantee your stuff will be published
- But I'll try to get the best stuff in for all to enjoy -

Incidentally, the newly designed mill/drill retrofit design plans started
publication in the Jan/Feb issue of HSM and will be completed about the time
of NAMES - I'll have samples of all parts available for review and the plans
and sources will all be published in the magazine -

Remember that the NAMES CNC display is intended to be "educational" and not
a "Strong Arm Sales" pitch - There is no prohibition against sales but just
keep it low key - You will note that the "Arm Twisting Sales Type" from two
years ago was not invited back -

Everyone had a good time last year and it should be even better this time -
In the meantime, KEEP MAKIN' CHIPS ! ! !

Roland Friestad

Discussion Thread

Roland Friestad 2002-01-19 15:49:50 UTC The 2002 NAMES Show in the Detroit Area (Southgate, MI)