CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Looking for Cadkey Plotfast, DOS version

Posted by Jon Anderson
on 2002-02-10 08:06:32 UTC

Thanks for the offer. Actually, I found it late last night. It's been so
long since I used it, I'd forgotten it's set up in the PLT subdirectory
during installation. I kept seeing references to it having been bundled,
and finally a sliver of crusty memory broke free, revealing it's been
here all along...<sheepish grin>
My faulty memory kept telling me it had to be installed separate from

All I have to do now is run down to Idiot Shack and get a gender correct
serial cable...


Discussion Thread

Jon Anderson 2002-02-09 17:51:36 UTC Looking for Cadkey Plotfast, DOS version stevenson_engineers 2002-02-10 02:00:02 UTC Re: Looking for Cadkey Plotfast, DOS version Jon Anderson 2002-02-10 08:06:32 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Looking for Cadkey Plotfast, DOS version