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Re: kernel2.2.13, EMC and SUSE 6.3

on 1999-12-15 17:20:19 UTC
Paul, did you get the RT patch installed. CD's make great
cup coasters.


From: Paul Corner <Paul.Corner@...>
Subject: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] kernel2.2.13, EMC and SUSE 6.3
Date: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 3:24 PM

From: Paul Corner <Paul.Corner@...>

Hi All

I got hold of the SUSE 6.3 release of Linux at the weekend. Installed the
2.2.13 kernel, patched and compiled it OK. I have had Linus talking though
speaker for the first time - that test wouldn't work with my 2.0.36 kernel.
Loaded the EMC file and tried to compile. Not a chance, all I got was pages
pages of errors. If anyone else is thinking of buying the SUSE release,
egcs-C++ is not included, and I suspect one or two other bits are missing
well. At least I still have RedHat 5.2 and a pristine 2.0.36 kernel I can
I might try installing the 2.2.13 kernel from the SUSE release on top of RH
the weekend.
In the mean time I'll find another use for the six CDs from SUSE.
BTW iIs there a use for all those junk CDs that come though the post from
likes of AOL, Virgin, etc...?

Regards, Paul.

On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> From: "Ian Wright" <Ian@...>
> Following the crash of my linux machine, I 'upgraded' my linux to RedHat
> and then to the 2.2.13 kernel and rt patch. These seem to be working OK
> that I get the 'Frank Zappa' test running with no problem. I then
> the EMC for 2.2.10 and installed this but can't get it to run. For one
> it says it can't find the rt_sched module - is this a problem with the rt
> patch? and secondly, it does not seem to have the steppermod.o module
> anywhere.

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Discussion Thread

Paul Corner 1999-12-15 15:24:06 UTC Re: kernel2.2.13, EMC and SUSE 6.3 Steve Carlisle 1999-12-15 17:20:19 UTC Re: kernel2.2.13, EMC and SUSE 6.3 Paul Corner 1999-12-15 15:59:13 UTC Re: kernel2.2.13, EMC and SUSE 6.3 Jon Anderson 1999-12-17 07:48:36 UTC Re: kernel2.2.13, EMC and SUSE 6.3 PTENGIN@x... 1999-12-17 19:21:29 UTC Re: kernel2.2.13, EMC and SUSE 6.3