CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: RTL linux

Posted by Ian Wright
on 1999-12-19 07:37:40 UTC

If you are still booting to the old kernel, have you set up lilo or whatever
boot prog you are using to know that the new kernel exists? If you are using
lilo, you need to add a bit into the script pointing it to the new kernel
and then run /sbin/lilo (or wherever lilo lives in Slackware). I don't know
Slackware, but if it has anything comparable to 'linuxconf' then this will
give an easier method of setting up boot parameters.

Ian W. Wright
Sheffield UK

----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Hopkins <chopkins@...>
To: <>
Sent: 19 December 1999 01:01
Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RTL linux

> From: Charles Hopkins <chopkins@...>
> I am running Slackware linux and would like to install the RTL Patch. I
also will be installing EMC, but can't get past the RTL.
> I get the patch to work fine. I changed the version number in the
kernel_patch file which is created from the tar before I ran the patch. The
patch appears to work fine.

Discussion Thread

Charles Hopkins 1999-12-18 17:01:43 UTC RTL linux Steve Carlisle 1999-12-18 19:30:33 UTC Re: RTL linux Ian Wright 1999-12-19 07:37:40 UTC Re: RTL linux Charles Hopkins 1999-12-20 04:54:35 UTC RE: RTL linux