CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Winwods NT

Posted by Bill Vance
on 2002-05-21 11:02:28 UTC
On Tue May 21 09:03:50 2002, sdiken.rm, <sdiken@...> wrote:

>I am sending signals to parallel port and with a driver I am turning
>step motors. I am using windows 98 at home, but in firm I have
>Windows NT. So parallel port seems to be die. Any opinion?


Which version of NT are you using? If you're using less than Server level, and
have the serial port hooked up to something, NT could figure you're trying to
run a network, and acts to shut it down. Same again if you have the 5 seat
version, and it thinks you'e trying to run a 6th seat, etc. No reason for it
except to garner more bucks for Bill Gates, of course.


RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** 4-19!
An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no
weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his
hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a
on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ

Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!


Discussion Thread

sdiken.rm 2002-05-21 09:03:53 UTC Winwods NT Jon Elson 2002-05-21 10:35:49 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Winwods NT Bill Vance 2002-05-21 11:02:28 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Winwods NT vavaroutsos 2002-05-21 16:54:53 UTC Re: Winwods NT gittt2000 2002-05-22 10:09:28 UTC Re: Winwods NT